Hello! This is my blog post about fish.
Fish are very cool creatures. Almost every fish is unique in some way.
My favorite fish is the pufferfish. I think it's cool that they could bite your finger off
whenever they want but usually choose not to. Also they look funny
when they're puffed up, although I kind of feel bad for them,
since if they're puffed up it means they're scared.
Some other cool fish inculde swordfish, which have big spikes
on their face and were included in Donkey Kong Country on the Super Nintendo,
and anglerfish, unsightly things that lurk in the deepest
depths of the ocean, trying to lure other fish with a
big light it has dangling on it's head, hence the name.
Something else cool about fish is that they've existed
a lot longer than all of us. Fish are among the oldest multicellular
life in existence, after all. I'm not sure why
fish decided to climb out of the water and turn into
reptiles and mammals, but that's the reason we're here.
Maybe if they didn't do that, I wouldn't be here typing this, and I'd instead
be swimming with a school of salmon and running from a shark.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'd rather stress about
failing school than run from sharks on the daily.
Being a shark must be miserable. Imagine needing to move constantly
or die, even when your sleeping. That would be
awful. I feel bad for sharks. Not only do they need to
constantly be moving, some guys made a cool movie in the
70's, and now everyone thinks they're evil for some reason.
Jaws isn't even that good, i don't get why it was such a big thing.
Sorry, i got off on a tangent there. Anyway, fish are cool.